Thursday, June 13, 2019

A Story of Our Own

We lived in the gaps between the stories.
A Handmaid's Tale ~ Margaret Atwood

We live in the pauses before
climax or post-conclusion
of various histories

flesh / bone
thought / word

We reveal hair-line faults
in sinking foundations
of the universe

boots / fists
lyrics / songs

We persist on the outskirts
of misfortune’s village

frown / scowl
care / concern

We have jumped over gaps
between the cracks
hand in hand

names / numbers
scars / smiles

We will complete the arcs
of our stifled sisters'
dislocated stories

I wrote this poem several years ago, while reading The Handmaid's Tale, and have revisited it for Sherry's Wordy Thursday  challenge to write for women in our times. I needed revision, but the essence remains the same, as the role of women and gender stereotyping does not yet seem to have reached its Renaissance.


  1. "We live in the pauses before climax or post conclusion of various histories," such a poignant opening line to this one, Kerry!💞 I have forever been appalled upon the treatment of women throughout history in various cultures and countries around the world. It seems as though men have discovered the strength that resides within us and are determined to thwart it.

    1. Yes, that is very true.. and so many stories remain untold.

  2. I love this! Especially the hairline faults in the foundation of the universe, and women leaping over gaps hand in hand. I hope every thinking woman votes in the next election. The survival of every living thing depends on it. The human experiment has reached a new low. Thanks for your poem, Kerry.

    1. Thank you for the prompt, Sherry. It is a needful subject for poetry and wider discussion.

  3. I really like what I read in the word "listing", in the disconnection between the the parts of the groups, how it can offer a foundation to create a place in which none would fall through the cracks... because there will be hands to hold them up (to hold each other up) until we build "a story of our own".

    1. Yes, and at least to have some voices to tell the stories of those who have fallen through the cracks.

  4. hand-in-hand So true. We need each other, the strength of our mothers, grandmothers. We need sons who will become different men - I think here in America we are fine (I see no danger for women here at all other than abortion being addressed...and that's a controversial issue) But other women around the world... I can't even grasp how awful it is.

  5. This is powerful. We do need to move hand-in-hand. I like to think there watchers in the gaps who step up with voice and action. Now is not the time for silence.

  6. I march lockstep with women of the world. Thank you for this powerful write!

  7. I hope that enough men will truly embrace the change... which will be better for them as well... after all male stereotypes are quite painful to live in.

    1. I hate the fact that all men are stereotyped as chauvinists. It is very unfair to cast the entire gender in the light shed by a sector thereof.

  8. Fits in perfectly for today’s mess. I love the way you formatted this. Made it more powerful.


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