Sunday, May 26, 2019


Kerry O'Connor

We bury our lovers beneath the weight of days
thought to be so numberless and varied
until we have forgotten their names, until we

can no longer reach back through time to grasp
the hour, the breathless minute when we turned
old earth, threw clods upon remembrance too.

But I’m tired of this shallow grave; bury me deeper.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Kerry O'Connor
Inspired by the Art of Guiseppe Cristiano

I do not need the light; I know you faceless:
I hear your fingers touching notes on my skin
as the scales of a musical nocturne played blind.

Your voice is richly scented as the rainfall
I feel stirring my own dry earth to liquid dance:
your lips caress my soul as a thing of sense apart.

This appetite unappeased: loving feeds on love itself.

I am doubling up on weekend challenges:
Portrait for Kim, and
Just One Word: Apart, for Marian.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Wings & Fragments

Kerry O'Connor Art

A man came to me
With a bird in his hand
Asking if I would trust
My wings to his care
And accept him over the open sky.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

A Shade Between

Kerry O'Connor Art

Was love ever this scarlet?
I remember it as salty,
more oceanic than vegetable,
a seagull’s guttural cry,
an oarless lifeboat
at the mercy of a rolling current,
and broken glass at ebb tide
rubbed to opacity
a shade between blood and rust.

Thursday, May 2, 2019


Kerry O'Connor
Copyright Reserved

Restless after dark
A blackbird flies alone
Where no torch burns the shadows ~
Cupping the moon in my palm
I am the eclipse

For Sherry, after a month of poetry writing, the toads are Celebrating Ordinary Things.
I am on a break from poetry, and have turned again to my inks to illustrate a micro-poem from the Skylover archives.