Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Skylover Wordlist ~ 30/30

My Skylover Wordlist for April Poetry Writing Month is sourced from the collection of poems, Deaths and Entrances, by Dylan Thomas.


I am posting the prompt two weeks early, for those who wish to make use of the words and would like to plan ahead for the April Marathon. Whenever I post my poem of the day, feel free to add your link in comments so I may read and comment on your response. Please tag me on Instagram, if you are posting over there.

Happy Writing!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Tarot Suite ~ The Magician

Let the wind die down. Let the shed 
go black inside. Let evening come.
Jane Kenyon

Copyright Kerry O'Connor
Nexus Cards

The Magician

Let the flame rain from sky
as consorts of creation. Let the earth
be as a womb awaiting conception.

Let the storm plunge its hands
into the ocean. Let the night
invite the stars to bloom.

Let the honeybee find the flower.
Let the wind sleep. Let the seed grow
in the heart of god. Let sun awaken.

Let us be without fear of manifestation.
Life quickens even as it dies, so let it come.
Let mantis become man.

Work still continues on my African Tarotscape Deck. This is my latest piece with accompanying poem, inspired by 'Let Evening Come' by Jane Kenyon.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

In Quarantine

Plague Dogs
Source Unknown...
Somewhere in the Middle Ages

I watch as they lay siege
to common ground,
man-made palisades 
into barriers of the mind,
flung up overnight 
to sanction 
their infectious ideologies.
I see them marching
in bedraggled droves down 
deserted streets,
chanting entropic threats of death,
like something reinvented.
When did the light
recede to this hollow space
of empty eyes?

My hometown is currently under siege  - literally - cut off from all entry and exit, all commerce and industry suspended, schools forced to close on pain of death as a sector of the community demands the resignation of an allegedly corrupt mayor. Not for nothing is Ladysmith, SA known as Siegetown.
Local News

Current Update on the situation, Friday, March 13

It occurs to me as I endure this enforced "quarantine", that what is happening here is an apt metaphor for what has occurred worldwide, with the furore in response to Covid 19.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Skylover Wordlist ~ Merciless

You ripped
open the sky
with your teeth
and all light escaped
as you passed through.
Now every day teeters
on the brink
of another holocaust:
we grind guilt
to dust
and dare not
recall the signs
we missed
without mercy.
We have inherited
your darkest hour,
enshrined your despair
beyond earthly hope
of reparation.


This poem is written with words from my Skylover Wordlist for March and in reply to Joy Ann Jones' call for Flash 55  at Verse Escape, both of which have given me the structure to write down in words the raw emotion I am feeling after the tragic death of a student.


This is also an open invitation to anyone who wants to join me in writing poetry from this list of words. If you would like me to read and comment on your post, please paste the link in the comments section below or you can tag me on Instagram.