Sunday, April 26, 2020

Entrances//Deaths ~ Zodiac

In the April of Covid 19
Day 26

“For the country of death is the heart’s size and the stars of the lost the shape of eyes.”
Dylan Thomas


I am learning the language of stars
  beyond voice-pointing,
and my signing hands, which grasp
       but fail to thread the song
when the needle is blind that pricks
       the skin of being we call night.

I am reflecting the light of ancients
  myself a point of refraction
with less of a meaning than a means
  to radiate the text of elements
through the flesh they made of me
  my zodiacal bone and sun.

I am trusting the dissolve of darkness
  the depth of preconception
and loosening the lullaby of my tongue
  in mute exchange of eyes
and fingertips, that smooth erasure
  of lines between constellations.

Skylover Wordlist: Zodiac
Play It Again Toads: Reboot, Rewind, Recycle


  1. Another stunning quotation and poem, Kerry! There are too many lines to choose from, but I fell in love the imagery of:
    ‘…my signing hands, which grasp
    but fail to thread the song’
    ‘…loosening the lullaby of my tongue
    in mute exchange of eyes
    and fingertips, that smooth erasure
    of lines between constellations’.

    1. Thank you, Kim. When all was seemingly lost, this poem burst out of me this morning. I am happy that it conveys my ideology, and certainly an example of something that would never have been written if not for reaching day 26 of NaPoWriMo.

  2. This is exquisitely drawn, Kerry!💘 I love; "I am trusting the dissolve of darkness/the depth of preconception/and loosening the lullaby of my tongue."👏👏

    1. Thank you, Sanaa. I could not have got this far without you!
      You are star!

  3. Absolutely gorgeous! And how interesting that you, Sanaa and Kim were all focused on the stars today.

  4. Kerry, I love "I am reflecting the light of ancients". What a profound choice of words. Simply beautiful.

  5. "Hands to thread the song when the needle is blind that pricks the skin of being we call night." Oh my goodness, that is so wonderful! And "reflecting the light of ancient." Wow, Kerry, your April journey has been so amazing. You have a book !

    1. Thank you so much, Sherry. Perhaps I will consider compiling a chapbook of these poems.

  6. Goodness, I love this from the very opening. "I am learning the language of stars beyond voice-pointing"


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