Monday, April 8, 2019


I do these 
Things which I do, which please 
         No one but myself. 
Marianne Moore

To contemplate innate fear
is to take a view of one’s own infancy
as something of a relic, albeit statuesque,
and break it down to nothing
more than this:
I feared emptiness. Once.
My dreams disturbed me, because in them
I became someone else
whose thoughts were terror to me;
this excavation, however, is redundant.
Now I am the architect of my own silence
building monuments to solitude with my bare hands
and a nightmare is mere fodder for poetry.
To be lost, is freedom new-found.


Rommy is our host in The Imaginary Garden, asking us to face our Childhood Fears.


  1. There isn't anything about this piece that isn't perfect. I love the idea of being the architects of our own silence. I've often found much solace as well as wisdom when I enter into it.

    1. Thank you, Rommy. Sometimes our fears are rendered impotent in our own heads.. given time.

  2. "To be lost, is freedom new-found."

    I love that line.

  3. This is incredibly deep, Kerry!💞 There is a subtle hint of clarification in "I feared emptiness. Once." Addressing the fear which we used to have is a wonderful way of overcoming it 😊 Love the stellar closing line.. it leaves much to contemplate💞

  4. Ha, a great twist – in taking your power.

  5. Sage advice, Kerry. To me dreams are enjoyable but scarce. I'd like to be able to control them but uncontrollable is a part of the definition.

  6. "architect of my own silence" love that. It is so scary to become the person you weren't meant to be.

  7. Excellent poem , Kerry! To be the architect of your own silence is to own yourself.

  8. how you wrap it up- the final quatraine - feels incisive ~


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