Sunday, August 18, 2019

Atlantis Found


I have chosen my exile.
It is the sum of all fears to be stranded
but in crossing boundaries
I have traced my own reflection
with eyes of darkness –
We are water.
Our hearts are naked
Our souls are serpentine.
I have a birthright to change with the tide
or remain just as I am.

Once again, I have raided Margaret's La Catrina list of book titles to write a poem for Sherry's Wordy Weekend in 55 words.


  1. Wow... I really love the birthright to change with the tide. Really made me think.

  2. This is profoundly true, and I am in awe that this masterpiece arose from the book titles. I so love "We are water....I have a birthright to change with the tide or remain just as I am." So gorgeous.

  3. What a brilliant combination of prompts, Kerry! I love the lines:
    ‘…in crossing boundaries
    I have traced my own reflection
    with eyes of darkness’
    ‘I have a birthright to change with the tide
    or remain just as I am.’

  4. A primary birthright, born(e) of water ... and what power then in the choice of water fates. It must be great providing your own illustrations, you can connect word and image just so.

    1. I do enjoy illustrating my poems when I get the chance to do so.. time is not always on my side. So pleased you like both.

  5. a birthright to change with the tide or remain . . . Love that thought.

  6. Yes, human existence depends on which way the thoughts of men flow and how they treat life and earth.


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