Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Divide

I am living in the day before midnight –
here, in the narrows between the bitterroot
and the black wind –
I am drawing my magic circle in dust –
there, in the scorched remains of the fire dream
and its mirror image –
I am fighting back by giving voice to my story –
everywhere, a secret pilgrim of love and survival
and indelible, a true woman –
But I am bleeding in this otherland –
where to be is to be lost in a maze of blind faith
and who knows if you will remember me,
the kiss, the almost revolution that used to be us.

Artistic Interpretations with Margaret


  1. "and who knows if you will remember me,
    the kiss, the almost revolution that used to be us"

    Wow. What incredible poetry.

    1. Thank you, friend.. putting book titles together like puzzle pieces. I got quite excited by the process.

  2. The book titles really have been woven together with a well trained hand... love this. I so wanted to use the bitterroot title but couldn't work it in. This is as intriguing a story poem as the image itself ... which you may use. Thank you.

    1. Many thanks, Margaret. Your lists provide endless possibilities for poetry.

  3. This is incredibly evocative, Kerry!💖 Your use of book titles is so well placed especially love; "I am fighting back by giving voice to my story –
    everywhere, a secret pilgrim of love and survival
    and indelible, a true woman."😊

    1. Thanks, Sanaa. i am glad you like how this one turned out.

  4. Ooooh, the narrows between the bitterroot and the dark wind!it is interesting that the titles we chose result in poems in our individual styles. Very cool. I love "a secret pilgrim of love and survival" and the "almost revolution that was us". Wow!

    1. That is a very good observation, Sherry. We do choose the words which match our styles!

  5. Goodness, this is powerful "the almost revolution that used to be us." You've have created such an emotive piece from book titles and didn't loose any of your style, originality in doing so. Beautiful

    1. Retaining style is very important, I think. Thanks, Susie.

  6. You had me at that first line, Kerry. Beautiful writing.

  7. Yes, this was clearly great fun to write; a delightful prompt wasn't it?

  8. "I am living in the day before midnight –
    here, in the narrows between the bitterroot
    and the black wind –" I do love that. And "who knows if you will remember me,
    the kiss, the almost revolution that used to be us."

    1. I always like to know which lines resonate. Thanks, Debi.

  9. A spellbinding poem, Kerry, in which you have incorporated the book titles seamlessly! I love the phrases ‘in the narrows between the bitterroot and the black wind’ and ‘the scorched remains of the fire dream and its mirror image’.

  10. This is an amazing poem... I couldn't see the book titles, instead you have weaved them and made them yours.

    The first two lines really pulled me in, and the ending is so very powerful

  11. Nice title word usage, Kerry. And I doubt that a partner in "the almost revolution that used to be us" will forget. Even at my age I don't forget, there weren't that many.


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