Sunday, April 12, 2020

Entrances//Deaths ~ Ballad

In the April of Covid 19
Day 12

“Love is the last light spoken.”
Dylan Thomas


I speak of love as one bereft
of the ocean’s soulful ballad sighing deeply
in the wide embrace of patient arms;
I tell my love
as one who sails past hope
in a whispered word and trust so true

a throb of joy is incantation
sung to the sky all its burning blues.

Play It Again Toads: Love
L'Arora Form

For those who wish to participate in the Skylover Wordlist Challenge, please leave your links in the comment section below


  1. This is incredibly stunning, Kerry!💘 I love how seamlessly you have incorporated the form in with the theme of love, it compliments the mood of the poem so much. These lines particularly stand out for me; "as one bereft of the ocean’s soulful ballad sighing deeply."👏👏😍

    1. The form worked well for the theme of my "love poem in three parts". I had a lot of fun with it.

  2. That's a quote to live up to from Thomas, and your poem soars right up there.Every ballad comes back to that last potent note, once again, in defiance as well as hope, need as well as grace.

    1. Thank you, hedge. I do love the quote! Dylan Thomas has been a remarkable muse for me this April.

  3. I love "I tell my love as one who sails past home." I have sailed past hope too, which is hard for such an optimist.

  4. This is so beautiful, and I so love your ending

    1. Yay!! I try my best not to let endings fall flat.

  5. Nice, Kerry. I liked the idea, "sails past hope", it is much better than going over the edge. I used the L'Arora Form a few days ago. This time I used the NaPoWriMo prom[t suggestion of the Triolet. That was also a fun write.

  6. A beautiful progression from Thomas’s line, Kerry. I love how the ‘ocean’s soulful ballad’ resounds in sighs and whispers, and that you ended the poem with the alliterative oxymoron ‘burning blues’.

    1. Thank you for reading for all the finer details in this short form, Kim.

  7. Wow, Maria Callas meets Janis Joplin. This is gorgeous, Kerry.

  8. so sinuous and sensual is this Kerry - it reads like a sigh!😊


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