Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Entrances//Deaths ~ Match

In the April of Covid 19
Day 29

“There crouched bare in the shrine of his blazing breast I shall awaken”
Dylan Thomas


is almost
the end, we said as
we made love amid the lilacs
and stones: let us own these delicate
injuries, these dark prophecies of ourselves
and sacrifice life upon the pyre of lesser nobilities 
than the passion we ignited in the kiln of cosmic
self-creation: we are owed this bare hour’s
finality of mutual conflagration.
Let us be the ones
to strike the

Play It Again Toads: This is (Almost) the End


  1. I love this defiantly positive approach! And, as always, the beautiful word-crafting.

  2. Seize the match -- how did Rilke put it, be the glass that shattered even as it rang. This holds a bright lamp forward through such a dark door we now enter. - Brendan

    1. Thank you for coming over to read, Brendan. Love that Rilke quote.

  3. This is sheer poetic brilliance, Kerry!💘👏 I love; "we are owed this bare hour’s finality of mutual conflagration."

  4. A wonderful write. "We are owed this bare hour's finality of mutual conflagration." And a thrilling conclusion.

    1. I was going for a fiery conclusion! thanks, Sherry.

  5. Love this, the last chance to set the flame again, for good or not🌹🙏

  6. You have written some excellent love poems this April, but I think this may be my favorite; something about the "lilacs and stones,' the 'delicate injuries,' and the 'dark prophecies' define for me the essence of what is remembered of love. You are going out of the month on a high note, Kerry.

    1. Thank you so much, Joy. I have given it my all this month, worked with my theme and quotes and I do hope to end on a high note. I appreciate your visits here so much.

  7. I love "lilacs and stones'- the soft and fragrant vs. the hard and unyielding. So sensuous!

  8. Powerful. And excellent juxtapositioning of two such different feeling textures and weights: stone and lilac.

  9. "we made love amid the lilacs and stones: let us own these delicate
    injuries, these dark prophecies of ourselves" Love those lines. Do we bruise love as harshly as we bruise a rose petal? May we be a match that lights our new beginning.

    1. Yes, indeed. Let us remain hopeful that something will rise from the ashes in time to come.

  10. I’m pleased you posted another shape poem, I so enjoy them, Kerry. A diamond shape for a diamond of a poem. I love that it starts with ‘This’ and ends with ‘match’, framing the rest of the lines – a perfect match. Excellent use of oxymoron in ‘delicate injuries’ and ‘lesser nobilities’.


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